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Suitable stone for the bathroom

The bathroom is one of the humid spaces of any house, and therefore not all kinds of materials can be used in this space.

 Due to the high humidity in the bathroom, it is necessary to use materials with high resistance and durability against moisture, detergents, and chemicals in this space.

Natural stone is one of the suitable materials for the bath because of its high durability. A variety of colors and patterns of natural stones makes the bathroom more stylish and beautiful.

The remarkable point about natural stones is that not every type of stone can be used in this space and those with special properties should be used for this bathroom.

Features of suitable stone for bath

 Due to the above specifications, suitable bathroom stones are marble, granite, marble, porcelain, and travertine.

Travertine has a range of cream, brown, gray, and gold colors and can make your bathroom a dream environment.

Porcelain stone has good physical properties for the bathroom, and due to its beautiful transparency and shine, it induces a good sense of Cleanliness in the bathroom.

Granite is also a good choice for baths due to its high resistance and impermeability to water absorption. You can easily wash granite with all kinds of detergents without changing its color and damaging its appearance.

Marble has less strength than granite and porcelain and is more expensive, But the bathroom and toilet space are luxurious and clean.

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